Will Democrats sneak and order Palin's book over the internet and have it deivered to their home...? - plain brown wrapping paper
In the normal brown paper for the neighbors will think it is just new sex toys?
Will Democrats sneak and order Palin's book over the internet and have it deivered to their home...? - plain brown wrapping paper
In the normal brown paper for the neighbors will think it is just new sex toys?
As more and more attention to what the conservatives do not, I'm sure they had reserved their copies for a week. I can not imagine a haunted house Y / A user here is likely to get an autograph.
New book from Palin how many political books before they buy in large quantities by the political organizations of their supporters in order to artificially inflate revenue and make a list of best sellers.
Be Caribou "EXIT" and ordered her to Barbie.
Now the winter is coming and I can burn to the ground heat, but of course the smell of all that BS in smoke would be enough to vomit.
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